Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Coconut Oil

A few months ago one of my friends from high school posted on facebook about coconut oil.  I decided to check it out.  I could relate to most of the ailments, so I really started researching it.  I decided to order myself a small jar of it and give it a try (what did I have to lose, right?)  Well I didn't lose anything, not even wasted money on it.  I've been using the coconut oil since July.  I had blood work done in June and my thyroid levels where still a little low and that was with being on medication, along with my liver enzymes still being elevated.  I was told to go for more blood work in three months.  Now along with adding the coconut oil to my diet, my husband and I also joined a gym in May and we started eating better and eating more meals but small meals.  Once I started the coconut oil in July I decided to stop taking my thyroid medication, because one of the benefits of coconut oil is to help with thyroid issues.  So I figured between the coconut oil and exercise hopefully I will get myself into better shape and healthier.  Well it is working, it's a long slow process but I am determined to get myself into shape.  Since Jan of this year I have lost 22 lbs.  In October I won a contest from WellnessFX which was comprehensive blood work.  I went for the blood work and unfortunately my cholesterol is high, my triglycerides and my LDL's are high.  But guess what???  My thyroid levels are in the normal range...YES that's right no more thyroid medicine.  My liver enzymes are also back in the normal range.  YAY for me!!!!  Yes I'm still battling headaches, some days they are very tolerable, and others they are so bad it's extremely hard for me to get out of bed, but I figured this is something that I will have to live with for the rest of my life.

Now my mission is to get my cholesterol levels back into a normal range without medication (that's the one thing I told my doctor is I refuse to go on any type of medication).  So besides going to the gym and walking on the treadmill, riding the stationary bike and working on abs, upper body and legs I have decided to start training to run a 5K next year.  My husband is working with me on this, he is running his first 5K on Thanksgiving.  I'm taking it extremely slow with baby steps since I do have major issues with my knees.  I'm walking for 3 minutes and jogging for 15 seconds right now.  I'll continue this probably until after Thanksgiving then I'll add another 5 seconds on to the jogging.  Like I said baby steps I don't want to injure myself.

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